Ceilingmaggeddon is over. In fact it was over a month ago but I’ve been super busy at work or sleeping since then so let’s just pretend it has only just finished. Just to recap, the ceilings in my flat were
Plugs & lights & switches oh my
I love my new wiring. It’s not a sexy bit of the refurb but it is a very useful and grown-up thing to spend my money on.
I’ve already written about how much I love my light switches but the whole thing is great actually.
I love my light switches
We moved four days ago. Everything is in boxes, often somewhat abstractly labelled, so I don’t know where anything is. I’ve moved each pile of boxes at least a billion times (approximately). This will not be a post about that though, this is a post about how much I love my new light switches.
The ceilings that nearly made me cry
So all in all the penthouse stuff is going well. Lots to do and not really enough time to do it but also fun and interesting.
Then the ceilings nearly made me cry.
Rewiring woes
So I thought owning a flat in need of updating would be a blissful existence of Pinterest and mood boards. Gazing at paint samples and lusting after beautiful furniture. No real stress, just dreaming up beautiful colour schemes and nifty storage options.
Actually it is mostly just expensive.
When I first looked round the penthouse I saw that the fuse board would need updating and guessed that, like many other things, the wiring was probably quite old and probably original. I knew that I’d probably end up rewiring the flat at some point.
Well, ‘at some point’ has become ‘before I do anything else’.
Buying myself a boiler
Argh I was so close to finishing the legal stuff for the flat purchase until someone noticed an error in the vendor’s paperwork so it’ll be *at least* three more weeks til I get the keys. Sigh. One thing I have made a tiny bit of progress on is getting a new boiler sorted for the new flat as the heating doesn’t work. Sexy topic for a blog post amirite?