If I named my blog posts like Friends episodes (and omg why have I not been?!) this one would be called The One With The Carpet…

The lounge is the most spectacular room at the moment because of the carpet which I honestly think is incredible, not staying but definitely incredible. It’s in amazing condition and certainly very eye-catching but I’m probably going for laminate flooring throughout the flat so we’re enjoying it while it lasts.

Lounge carpet

Apologies for the less than marvellous photography here, it was getting dark and I was getting impatient…

The lounge is relatively dark during the morning but the sun comes round in the afternoon making it lovely and sunny (perfect for the cats – and me – to snooze in).

Lounge view

Again, all the furniture and ornaments will be going but we’ll keep the layout fairly similar in the short-term at least (sans the artificial flowers hanging from the ceiling). It’s the biggest lounge of all the places I looked at while I was house-hunting. As a homebody who loves spending time on my sofa I wanted somewhere with enough space to relax plus room for a table to eat/work at.

Lounge view

In the background you can spot the sunroom which is currently filled with treats but will be cleared out next week too.

Lounge view

This unit is so not my style I think it almost is my style again – certainly the pull down bar (the big white panel in the middle) is lovably kitsch. Also, look at my ‘concentrating on taking a photo face’ in the mirror here…

Lounge view

The room has a suspicious damp patch (to the right of this picture) from the mysterious evil water source in the loft plus some very antiquated electrics eek! The lamp is one of my absolute favourite bits in the flat however and I’m definitely keeping it. I’ve been calling it the cherub lamp but only just realised he doesn’t have wings so it’s more of a sulky naked boy lamp which is slightly less appealing but ho hum…

Lounge view

I’ve since removed most of the ornaments and other bits and pieces from the room but here is a compilation of some of the best bits:

Lounge collage

Again I don’t have any firm plans for the space but my lounge Pinterest board will give you an idea of the style I like – mostly grey, minimal and wood.

When not taking mediocre photographs or moving things from one room to another this week I’ve been getting closer to booking movers, an electrician and a heating engineer – all very exciting/expensive!


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