When I was about six I  apparently wanted to be a teacher, librarian and mummy. After that I wanted to be a hairdresser. When I was in my mid-teens I’d changed my mind again and decided I wanted to be an interior designer.

My plan to be an interior designer suffered two key setbacks:

  1. Being told by my GCSE art teacher I’d need to do an art foundation course to become an interior designer and that I’d never be accepted onto an art foundation course (harsh but possibly true)
  2. Realising that I’d want to do things I wanted rather than listen to a client and take their taste into consideration

A week of work experience at a curtain shop (the closest the work experience people could find to interior design) confirmed that maybe a life of helping posh people choose tassels for their curtain tie-backs wasn’t quite the career path I was after.

I forget exactly where my career goals drifted after that but I did a mix of creative and maths A levels, studied for a media degree and now get to tell people I ‘do Facebook’ for a living as a digital marketing person in the charity sector.

Through all that excitement (how many other people get to legitimately describe watching Big Brother (the early years before it got really weird) as academic work?!) I maintained an interest in interiors stuff.

I didn’t really get a chance to do much interiors-ing (wasn’t a word but is now – change approved!) beyond painting my bedroom as a teenager (bright white with an orange band on two walls and teal on the other two) and one of my student bedrooms (one deep red wall).

I have however become addicted to home decor blogs – particularly Young House Love, House*Tweaking & Manhattan Nest – and Pinterest. I’ve been itching to try out some of the things they’ve shared (I very defiantly told friends I thought I could do tiling as ‘I read it on a blog’) and create my own home as they’ve done.

Now I’m a grown-up (haha) and am waiting for the paperwork on my first house purchase (and by house I mean small flat) I’m excited about having a project to do up.

I hope to use this blog as as way to collate and share details of my renovations with family and friends (and anyone else who is interested).

Given that I was going to call my blog ‘the enthusiastic amateur’ until I realised that sounds like a porn site, don’t expect fancy impressive technical stuff here. This is me, my over-confidence, some half-watched YouTube videos and a notoriously short attention span for DIY projects.

I plan to share more information about the flat and my plans for it but don’t want to jinx things completely by saying much more until the contract is signed!

Anyways, bear with me and feel free to chime in in the comments or on Facebook
