So I am now actually a homeowner. I picked up the keys on Friday whilst wearing my mittens on a string like a child so not really a proper grown-up still…

First job was to take down the net curtains. Every window had them and the flat is so much brighter without them. The flat is hardly overlooked so the nets aren’t needed for privacy.

I also got to snoop through all the cupboards and check what had been left behind. The flat came with all the furniture and a few other bits and pieces. The best find was this gorgeous recipe book from 1968:

Cookery book cover

Less of a highlight was prying a few of the damaged polystyrene tiles off the kitchen ceiling to find a suspect looking saggy patch of ceiling. That’s another job for the kitchen to do list then…

We also had a bit of a clean and sorted through the post that had built up for the 2 years the flat has been empty.

It’s all rather real and daunting now eek!
